Archetypal Alchemy

A 13 Moon Mystery School Home Study Course

13 Moon Mystery School Home Study Course

Divine Feminine Archetypal Home Study Course

With an option for personal Mentoring

Archetypes function to assist us in looking at our lives from a much larger, more mythic and spiritually expansive perspective, than our ordinary ego’s day-to-day view of the self.

Archetypes make their presence known in mysterious ways and are felt spiritual reminders that we are more than we seem in daily life.

The Divine Feminine is a force of love that moves from heart knowing,

the intuitive womb wisdom that listens deeply,

The Shakti raw primal power that ignites your creativity and passion. 

She who holds the vastness of the Mystery in the emptiness of her holy womb. 

She who holds the awareness of her interconnectedness with all of nature.

The Divine Feminine is awakening in each of us in order that we may serve humankind and the planet during this Great Shift.

Are you being called to step more fully into your power as Love?

Do you feel the call for deeper soul service?

Are you here to dive deep and explore the shadow as well as the light?

Do you feel the impulse awakening you to be a vessel of love?

The 13 Moon Mystery Home Study Course

Archetypal Activations of the 13 Frequencies of the Divine Feminine

With an option for Personal Mentoring with Senior Priestess Sarah Uma
who will walk beside you as Midwife and Mentor guiding you home to the heart,
guiding you home to your wholeness.   

Who is this for:

This Home Study Course is for:

Initiates that have traveled with the 13 Moon Mystery School who desire to refresh and deepen with these vast teachings.


New initiates that want to begin to lay the foundation for the deep excavation of soul work.

This is a 13-month inner journey you can travel at your own pace picking and choosing which archetypes you desire to  deepen with.


Archetypal Activations of the 13 Frequencies of the Divine Feminine 

Mindfood for each Archetype


Deepening in Devotion Priestess Skills.

Exchange for the 13 Month Course $199

Extra  for Personal Mentoring with Sarah Uma $333 each moon.

Which Includes a 1 1/2 hr Zoom call each moon with post prescriptions to support your journey.

I have been offering this work in a circle for over 15 years and as a Senior Priestess of this lineage I am deeply saturated in this Archetypal work .I am now called to work with individuals who are ready to dive deep and benefit from my Wise Woman wisdom.

Are you ready
to learn the ancient future art
of alchemizing
your emotions and thoughts
to embody & walk as Love
to feel the frequency of ecstasy
rushing through your veins…

…so that you can face any challenges
that come your way
& receive their gifts
growing through limitations
that once held you stuck
& live as the highest expression
of who You Truly Are?

Live life in full spectrum.
Learn to lift the veils of illusion
& begin to see from a mythic perspective.

A 13 Moon Mystery School Path of Initiation
into the Mysteries of the Divine Feminine

“My journey through these 13 Moons has been nothing short of extraordinary.

Like the fool in the tarot, I stepped into the cauldron of the unknown without realizing all that was waiting for me on the other side.

As I look back, I cannot recognize myself any longer. I have let go and transmuted so much resistance, so many issues around scarcity and perfectionism, and the victim mentality. I am able to identify when I am in reactive mode and how to meet my own needs with unconditional love and acceptance. I have learned to trust, to release and to surrender. I have stepped into new levels of awareness, sovereignty, and expansion.

— Doris Navarro